Phew! This is comprehensive, Jaser!! Thanks for taking me through the inner workings of this path. Honestly, it is not for the faint hearted.

Balancing the interplay between all the six elements is essentially the sauce to success on this path.

I have a question though, how would you convince a team lead who is an AI/ML Engineer who doesn't think Data should be separated from AI functions but rather put together to exist as a singular body? Although this happens to be a startup trying to maintain lean operations, how do one overcome the shortcomings such setup may have as a product manager?

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Why do you need to convince the team lead?

If it doesnt harm your ambition i would go for it as it is.

But if you think it is harming i would elaborate first on the pro and contra by myself and then ask for a open discussion to see what is the opinion and perspective of the team lead

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Awesome. Thanks for the insight.

More energy to your teachings. I think I enjoy this space more now.

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Great 😊 thank you Taofiq ♥️

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Absolutely love it. So comprehensive and relatable. Truly explains what a AI PM "goes through" !!!

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